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ISO 14001
System Setup & Audit

Do you need ISO 14001 Certification?

Get in touch so we can start working together.

What is ISO 14001?

ISO 14001 is the international standard for an environmental management system that organizations can use to enhance their sustainability. The intention behind this procedure was originally created so companies could manage all aspects of how they dealt with nature, including waste disposal and energy efficiency efforts among other things objective achievement following these guidelines ensures your company will be doing everything within reason when it comes down to performance standards at the workplace but also contributes significantly towards improving our planet's future generations




ISO 14001 is about your commitment to the environment and planning how best we can deliver on those goals through quality assurance, improvement initiatives etc. The latest version of this international standard has focused more on the role of leadership roles as well as what it takes for leaders not only to recognize their own strengths but also take actions accordingly when faced with challenges or opportunities.


The mark of a certified company is an assurance to customers that their future of planet and environment will be protected. Whether you are in the construction, manufacturing or service industries- this certification ensures compliance with all industry standards for environmental management and fulfilment of compliance obligations.


It's important because these days many people demand it as part of any contract before they agree on signing.


Read more about "Why Should Builders Consider ISO 14001?"



To become a fully-fledged ISO 14001 certified company, you will need to prepare several documents along with an action plan that demonstrates your intention of performing them and moving toward improvement.



PrimaPerfect can help you prepare for your certification process by creating an Environmental Management System (EMS) and all other documents necessary before engaging a Certification Body.


Do the ISO 14001 Self-assessment to find out where you stand!


Check: All you need to know about ISO Certifications


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